Basalt chiseled light for garden decor

Pondok Description:

Product show: Basalt chiseled lights can be widely used as outdoor ornamental landscape, which can bring more beauty to your garden, especially in the night. The warm light spread out from the stone lantern, creats a relaxing and warm atmosphere, give you a good place to do some amusement. Black  chiseled lights  has a perfect process from drawing materials to packing for transport. Magic stone has developed a professional production line in making various kinds of natural stone lantern. This...

  • Bahan & Warna: Basalt, marmer, batu karikil, granite.etc
  • Beungeut: digosok, diasah, jsb
  • Asal: Quanzhou, Fujian, China
  • Téhnik: Hand ukiran sarta mékanis-ditulungan
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    Basalt chiseled lights bisa loba dipaké salaku bentang hias outdoor, nu bisa mawa leuwih kageulisan ka kebon Anjeun, utamana dina peuting. Lampu haneut nyebarkeun kaluar ti lantern batu, creats atmosfir reureuh tur haneut, masihan anjeun tempat nu sae pikeun ngalakukeun sababaraha hiburan.

    Black  chiseled lights  ngabogaan prosés sampurna ti teken bahan pikeun paking pikeun transpor. Batu magic geus ngembangkeun hiji garis produksi profésional dina nyieun rupa-rupa lantern batu alam. Pola ieu mangrupa Kauntungannana durability sarta fungsi alus. Pagawe kami nyieun crafting solid sarta ngabogaan hiji penampilan elegan. 

    Bahan & Warna Granit, batu batu, batu basalt.
    ukuran: H30-180cm, atawa ngaropéa.
    beungeut: Digosok, diasah, flamed, sandblasted, antiqued, cuci Asam
    brand: Magic Batu Patung
    asal: Fujian, China
    téhnik: Leungeun ukiran sarta mékanis-ditulungan

  • Saméméhna:
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  • prosés:

    Magic Stone Sculptor’s team is composed by many experienced & talented artists, who are especially professional in produce all range of stone garden lanterns. Sculptors work hard every day for carving your dream into true. Every piece of stone lantern they finished deserves to be valued and treasured.




    Paking Rincian: Urang pak  chiseled basalt lampu  ku seaworthy crate kai fumigated.

    Rincian pangiriman: Anjog waktu pikeun hiji wadah pinuh ku  chiseled basalt lampu  nyandak sabudeureun 4 ~ 5 minggu.

    dsadasd (4)



    Lampu basalt Chiseled  can be seen in gardens, hotels, offices, squares, villas, etc., which gives people the enjoyment of visual beauty. Selecting lantern made by natural stone material, instead of artificial material like resin or ceramics will be more friendly to the environment. And this can provide you a sense of overall balance and harmony.



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